When down periods dampen your life, you may find it difficult to cope. But don’t feel sad, afraid or hopeless. Marshal your confidence and make an effort to push through to the better times that (you know) lie ahead.
Yes, this is often easier said than done. But with help from loved ones, or a mental health professional, you can get the support you need to make it through. Another key to staying positive amid a sea of negativity is to stop worrying and grumbling. Complaints only make you feel worse and add to the toxic atmosphere.
Instead, use positive affirmations to develop a more upbeat attitude about any unpleasantness you’re experiencing. For example, if you don’t like your job or are among the unemployed, try reassuring yourself with these declarations: “My next job will be better than the last” or “I’ll feel even more fulfilled in a more responsible position.”
You’ll gain a new, more helpful outlook—and the confidence that you can face any adversities the future may have in store.
In other words, you’ll have overcome.
You Shall Overcome
To break out of a rut and transform your life, cultivate positive affirmations amid the turmoil.