Staying active might help reduce the death risk of peoplewith hypertension, according to a study presented at the World Congress ofCardiology and reported by HealthDay News.
For the study, researchers at the Institute of PopulationHealth Science at Taiwan’s National Health Research Institute evaluated thehealth information of more than 434,000 people during 12 years. Of all studyparticipants, 54 percent were inactive, 22 percent had low activity levels and24 percent had moderate or high activity levels.
Findings showed the death risk from all causes was muchhigher among participants who were inactive compared with those who were activeat all blood pressure levels. This was especially true regarding risk of deathfrom cardiovascular disease—health conditions such as heart attack and strokethat involve the heart and blood vessels.
“This study is the first to quantify the impact of exerciseon the risk profile of people with high blood pressure,” said C.P. Wen, of theInstitute of Population Health Science, the study’s author. “Appreciating thisrelationship will hopefully help to motivate people with high blood pressure whoare inactive to take exercise.”
Researchers also found that inactivity increased death risk thesame rate as increases in blood pressure. (High blood pressure contributes toabout half of all cases of cardiovascular disease, with disease risk doublingfor every 10-point rise in diastolic blood pressure—the bottom number in ablood pressure reading.)
Wen said the findings suggested that doctors and patients shouldfocus on more than just blood pressure readings. They should also discuss theimportance of physical exercise as a means to manage cardiovascular disease andall-cause mortality risk.
Did you know hypertensive African Americans are twice aslikely as other racial groups with the same condition to suffer sudden cardiacdeath? Click here to find out more.