In a public service announcement about her 2010 report on Alzheimer’s disease and its effect on women, newscaster Maria Shriver revealed that she was one of the 10 million American women living with or caring for someone affected by this common type of dementia.
More than any other population group, women are harder hit by Alzheimer’s in ways that can affect their mental and physical health and well-being. Check the stats: In their 60s, women bear an estimated lifetime risk of 1 in 6 for developing Alzheimer’s, compared with a 1 in 11 risk of getting breast cancer; almost two-thirds of Americans with Alzheimer’s are women; there are almost three times more women than men who care for someone with Alzheimer’s 24 hours a day; and more than 60 percent of Alzheimer’s disease caregivers are women.
If this doesn’t qualify as gender bias, what does
Gender Bias
The unfortunate truth is Alzheimer’s targets females.