When it comes to HIV treatment and prevention, older Latino Americans face unique needs. To address these challenges, the Latino Commission on AIDS is launching the National Latinx Older Adults & HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

The day will be marked each July 16. This year’s debut, on Tuesday, kicks off with a 10:30 a.m. press conference at the New York City AIDS Memorial Park.

In an invitation to the event, the Latino Commission on AIDS describes the reason for launching the awareness day:

“Older Hispanic/Latinx individuals in the US & its territories encounter specific cultural, linguistic, medical and systemic barriers that are compounded with their HIV prevention & treatment needs. By elevating their voices, we aim to address these challenges and advocate for the care and support they deserve.


“By promoting awareness, addressing barriers, and fostering inclusive support systems, we strive to empower older individuals to take a proactive stance on HIV and AIDS with the goal of enjoying fulfilling, healthy and dignified lives.


“From this day forward, July 16th and as a posthumous tribute to Dennis deLeon, a leader who dedicated his life to championing the rights of those living with HIV and AIDS we will mobilize and raise awareness to the impact of HIV among older adults.


“Community partners, and civic and community leaders, will come together to highlight the urgent need to elevating the voices of older Hispanic/Latinx communities to ensure their specific needs are meet to reach positive health outcomes for all. It is also important to promote awareness around the impact of stigma, ageism, discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia in our communities.


“We ask that community partners come to recognize the 1st ever National Hispanic/Latinx Older Adults & HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Please show your support and bringing your banners and commitment to design a world without AIDS.”

Promo for a July 16, 2024, press conference to launch National Latinx Older Adults & HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Flyer for the July 16, 2024, press conference to launch National Latinx Older Adults & HIV/AIDS Awareness DayLatino Commision on AIDS

Slated to appear at the event are:

  • Crystal Hudson, New York City Council Member, District 35, Chair of the Committee on Aging

  • Adrian Guzman, Director, Policy and External Affairs, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV, and Sexually Transmitted Infections, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

  • Nicole Teyuca, HIV Senior Program Coordinator, Translatinx Network

  • Leticia Adanis, Unidad y Fe Lutheran Church

  • Armstrong Tingwane, Vice President, Prevention Programs, GMHC

  • Leandro Rodriguez, Vice President, Latino Commission on AIDS

  • Luis Nava Molero, Director of Aging Initiatives, Latino Commission on AIDS

The National Latinx Older Adults & HIV/AIDS Awareness Day will be observed in addition to the National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (#NLAAD), which has been marked each October 15 for the past two decades.

To read more about HIV in this specific population, see the POZ Basics “HIV and Latinos” and click #Latino and #HIV, where you’ll find a collection of articles including “Young Gay Latinos See Rising Share of New HIV Cases, Leading to Call for Targeted Funding.”

Check out the POZ feature “2024 HIV and AIDS Awareness Days” to download a poster and learn about upcoming awareness days.