WebMD rounded up the top 10 health news stories of 2008. RH picked these four to highlight:
The Promise of Health Care Reform
Health care reform was a big issue in the 2008 election, and the collapse of the economy only emphasized concern as people lost their jobs along with their health insurance.
Can Vaccines Cause Autism?
Celebrity Jenny McCarthy, along with a number of parents, claimed vaccines triggered autism in their children. But medical experts disagreed. This health debate drew lots of attention to autism and remains unsettled.
HIV/AIDS Worse Than We’d Known
The CDC announced that America’s HIV/AIDS dilemma is much worse than we’d thought. It’s now estimated that 56,300 people contract the disease each year—a 40 percent increase from previous totals. Plus, the rise of HIV testing and improved treatment means more Americans are living with HIV than before. But they’re also living longer lives.
Economic Woes Hurting Health
The stock market crash depleted our bank balances and inflated our food prices. But the fallout may have also taken a toll on your health, making the economic crisis one of the year’s top stories.
To read all 10 of the top news stories, click here.
The 10 Most-Discussed Health News Stories of ’08