My boyfriend watches porn every night and always before or during sex—this makes me very uncomfortable. Am I being a prude?

Pornography in moderation can be a healthy and fun part of a relationship; however, it sounds as if your boyfriend’s consumption might be a possible addiction. What distinguishes a porn addict from a casual viewer is that the addict is consumed with pornography to the point where it interferes and ruins aspects of his or her daily life.

Have an honest conversation with your boyfriend to find out why he needs pornography. If he has sexual performance issues and has been using pornographic images to achieve and maintain an erection, encourage him to stop immediately and seek help from a mental health professional. This may sound harsh, but if he continues to use porn as a sexual crutch, he’ll lose the ability to have a physical and emotional connection with you. Instead, his bond will be with the performers in the films.   

If you want to grow together as a couple, try discussing the possibility of his talking to a therapist, joining a support group or attending 12-step meetings to address this issue.

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