Eight Days’ was born from the success of ”Reversed-Season 1.” Reversed, which aired on the Discovery Life Network, was created by award-winning director and producer, Charles Mattocks. Charles, inspired by his uncle, the late Reggae legend Bob Marley started his multi-faceted career in music. From there, Charles’ aspirations launched him into a diverse array of enterprises, including roles in movies and television, the creation of the ”Poor Chef” brand and the publication of best selling books, which resulted in guest appearances on CNN, Dr. OZ, The Today Show, among others!
After acquiring type 2 diabetes, Charles saw the need to not only change his life but was inspired to make a difference in the lives of others suffering from the disease. He became a major diabetes advocate, counting among his accomplishments, being a published author with the American Diabetes Association and a Blue Circle Champion for the International Association of Diabetes. From here, Charles set his sights on creating an in-depth series that would reach and help millions with diabetes. The successful diabetes television series ”Reversed-Season 1” was the result!
Today, Charles looks to expand the Reversed brand! Season 1 saw five individuals with diabetes, each in various stages of physical and emotional health, join Charles at a lovely retreat in Jamaica. ”Eight Days” will focus on a new health condition each season. Inspired by his father’s death from cancer, the first season of ’Eight Days’ will once again concentrate on five individuals and guests at a beautiful beachside home in Cancun Mexico, who are living in different stages of cancer. In partnership with ’Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers, starring Dr. Antonio Jimenez,’ Charles and a team of the top health and cancer experts will live with the guests and offer them a complete, health retreat experience.
From diverse backgrounds and ethnicities, the five guests will be provided with the opportunities to share their stories, learn from the experts and each other, and receive the best, appropriate treatments. Charles and his team will truly walk in the lives of these individuals, as the eyes of millions are opened to what living and fighting cancer is really like!
Cancer is a very complex disease, consisting of many interlaced issues. The first ’Eight Days’ series will examine several different facets of what it means to be diagnosed, treated and living a life with cancer. From the personal effects of cancer; including the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of the disease, to the impacts cancer has on communication with others, work, and career, finances, housing, loved ones, family members and even on interactions and relationships within the healthcare system, the ’Eight Days’ team will assist each guest in working through their cancer-related needs, questions and concerns.
Without a doubt, ’Eight Days’ will not only change the lives of our guests, but it will also raise awareness and educate our viewers regarding the management of the various treatment and personal issues that come with the disease, cancer.