Eating snacks is one of the reasons people love the keto diet. Like the famous keto shake, nuts are a great keto snack because they are low in carbs, sugar-free, and high in healthy fats. They are also very rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fibre, which helps in regulating inflammation, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Here are the top 5 nuts you can eat on the keto diet.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are considered to be one of the healthiest keto-friendly nuts, with 21g of fat and only 2g of carbs per serving. Most of the total fat they contain are monounsaturated fatty acids, which are known to reduce cholesterol levels and insulin resistance, help to prevent heart disease and the accumulation of belly fat. Moreover, macadamias are rich in minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, selenium, and manganese, which may help with weight loss, inflammation and reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease and lower blood sugar levels.


Pecans contain 20g of fat, only 1g of carbs, and 3g of proteins. Of the total fat amount, 12g are monounsaturated fats, 6g are polyunsaturated fats, and 2g are saturated fats. They are also rich in oleic acid, which is known to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, improve the immune system and lower inflammation.

Brazil Nuts

If you are looking for the lowest-carb nuts, here’s another to try. Like pecans, Brazil nuts contain only 1g of carbs, plus 18g of fat and 4g of protein. These nuts are high in selenium, which fights oxidative stress and helps improve brain function in older people. They can also lower cholesterol and triglycerides levels. But, since Brazil nuts are so big, you should consume only 8 nuts per serving.


Walnuts contain 18.3g of fat, 4.3g of protein, and 1.9g of carbs per serving. Of the total fat amount, 13.2g are polyunsaturated fats. These fats contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which are essential to our health because they reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, increase testosterone levels, and fight inflammation. Speaking of health benefits, walnuts are known to help with weight loss, prevent cell damage and reduce the risk of cancer.


One serving of hazelnuts contains 17g of fat, 4g of proteins, and 2g of carbs, benefits that make them the right choice for a healthy snack. As some studies show, hazelnuts can help lower total cholesterol levels without affecting the level of good (HDL) cholesterol.

How To Eat Nuts On The Keto Diet?

Although nuts are healthy, follow the rules below in order to stay on the right track:

  • Don’t overeat nuts. We know these foods are healthy and make for a great keto snack. But if you overeat them, this can lead to several problems, such as consuming too many calories and omega-6 fatty acids and potential problems with digestion. In order to avoid overeating, limit your portions of nuts to one or two servings per day.
  • Be aware of what you buy. When buying nuts in the market, make sure they don’t contain ingredients such as sugar, added flavours or oils because these extras increase the number of carbs, which can cause inflammation. Instead, buy raw and unsalted nuts. When buying nut butter, choose the ones made only from nuts, olive oil and salt. In addition, when buying nut flours, choose those made of ground nuts.
  • Be aware of sensitivities. Nuts can cause digestive distress because they contain phytic acid. This substance reduces the levels of iron, zinc, calcium and mineral absorption, and causes digestive issues. If after eating nuts you experience gas, bloating or other issues, this may mean that you are probably sensitive and should avoid them.

Apart from being healthy and nutrient-rich, nuts are also a great on-the-go, high-fat, low-carb keto snack because of their small size. Pack and place them into your pocket, bag, or keep a stash in your desk.